Cracking The Ux For Seo Secret

In  today’s marketing world  . Every big  Company  focuses  on  the user signal  .

Late after 2015 Search engines focused much more on linking . 

But  after  Rank brain    the  entire  scenario has  changed  . 

ux signal is beneficial if you are a marketer or search engine optimizer.

In recent  algorithm   updates   Google  is  much  more  focused on the visitor  experience.

You  must  know  the  phrases in  2021 Content is a  king in seo and but  user signals  .  

Understand  website Optimization  Before Going  the  topic

It  is a process  to Check  your  Site Performance by using  Tools  and  advanced strategies to  improve  your  visibility  in  search  Engine  .  

To Improve  the  Performance  of  their website website  owners follow  A/ B testing and Organic Search  techniques .

Goals – 

For  Organic  search  –  Increase in  the   number  of  Visitor 

E commerce –  Checkout  the  Repeated ,Add  to  Cart 

Software Company  –  Rate  at  which  Visitor Sign  Up  a  free  Trial  .  

Steps  To  Setting Better Optimization  –

  •  Treat  Opportunities  like problems  

  • Make  It  Clear  and Specific 

  • Prioritize Your Schedule 

Tips for website Optimization  –


  • Compress  your  Images and Minify  HTML and  CSS code 

  • Use  CDN ( Content Delivery  Network  )  

  • Identify  the  broken and  dead links  in  your  sites . 

Reduce  the Number of  server Request  – 

  • By Reducing server side

  • By  Browsing caching

Use  Visual  media 

Placement  of social  Sharing  Button

Three  steps browser  takes  to  build  Page  –

Build the Dom – Document  object  Tree 

CSSOM –  Css  Object  Map 

Render  Tree 

Rendering Engines –    This search  Engine also Known as Layout  Engine  is  the Software  Behind  the   web  

    Without a Browsing  Engine, Web Pages are  just  a Simple text  form  With  a lot of  Tags and  words  .  



6  Elements  to measure  your  user experience – 

  •   Dwell Time 

  • Bounce  Rate  

  • Pogo striking  

  • Organic  CTR  

  • Search Intent  

Core  Web  vitals  

Dwell Time  –  This term may be unfamiliar to those new to Digital Marketing.

  It is  the amount  of  time a  searcher  Spends  on  a site before  returning  to the Search  engine  result  page   . 

For  more  Clarity   take  the  help  of  Example  –  

User  search  for  a query  – Top  10  dishes 

The  first  result  is quite  interesting  .But After  Visiting   that page .

 The  website  is  ugly  . Navigation is poor  and  does  not  meet  user  criteria  .  

After  2 –  3  he suddenly  Back  .Your  dwell  time  is  two  seconds

The user did not get the type of result he was looking for.  

After  this  user  click on   2  Results  –

This  time  Content is  amazing and easy to Navigate  .  Spends  

5: 15 Minutes on-page  . Then Clicks  back  to the result  and Continually  Researching  About  the  Topic.  

This indicates  a Positive Sign  to  the search Engine  and  helps  to  boost  your ranking  in Google  . 

Don’t compare Bounce  rate and  Dwell  time  with  each  other  . Because  they  are  different  things  .

Note  –This  metrics  is  not  showing  in Google  analytics 

Is this term used in Google’s ranking algorithm?  

Google never  Published a  blog  or  video  on that  topic .

Several clues point to the existence of this.

When  someone clicks on  that  page and  stays  on  that  site . Google  Creates  a relationship.  

List  of  Steps  to Improve  your Dwell  time  –  

  • Take a Help  from the Community and Forum  . 

  • Redditlist (  Reddit  tool  to  find  any Sub  Reddit  )  

  • Quora ( Join  a Niche Related Space ) 

  • Tumblr  

  • Participate  in Q&A Session  



  • Embedded  Your  videos.

Embed  video-  It  means  putting  a  video  on  video  on  a page  of the site  without  losing its functionality  . 

Tools used  for  Embed your  video



There are two Method to  Embed  video  –

By  video  Url  –  simply Put  A  url  tools in  these software .

By  putting  code  in  your Source  code  

A Study  Shows  that   Embed  video  improves  the  chance  of  Engagement .  

Bounce rate  –   It  is a Single  page session   in  which a user clicks  and suddenly backs  to SERP while navigating  to  another page  of  the site .  

It doesn’t matter  how many  minutes or seconds spent  on  site if  a visitor  suddenly  backs  it  is  called  a bounce.

According  to a study  by the Average  bounce  rate is between  41 and 51.

It varies  Industry  to  industry   .  

Email  and  referral  have the lowest  Bounce  rate .

 Categories  the Bounce  on  the Basic  of  user Behaviour 

Three  types Mainly  –  

Hard Bounces – These  types  of situations  happen  when the  visitor visits a site and Suddenly  Backs  after  Certain  second   known as hard  bounces .  

It simply  Means the  user  are  not satisfied  with  your Result . 

Let’s go  through  a Example –  

If  a   searcher search  a term  How  to  buy shoes  and  and  the  result  showing  different  thing  then this is called  as  hard  Bounces .  

Medium  Bounce  – It Means  a user spends  less time on  site  and  backs  in  seconds  and Minutes  . 

Reason  May be  –


  •  This  is not your Target  Audience  

  • The user is not in the mood to learn  

Soft Bounce – It  happens  when  the  Problem  with  email Recipients

User Spend  more  time  on  the site   .But after some  time  they  left the page  .  

What  is Good Bounce  Rate – 

Recent  studies show –   E Commerce sites have the lowest site 

A  High  rate means that your  page  have  less  average session time .  

Lowest rate  defines  that   visitor spending  must more  time on  your site and  clicks  through  the  links  . 

Difference  between  Bounce  Rate and  Exit  Rate  – 

There are many people who think this is the same thing, but it isn’t.  

 As   I already Discuss  the  topics . 

Let’s take  jump  into  Bounce  Rate  .

Exit rate  – Percentage  of  people   exits  on  Page .

If  a  person  visit   your site   Landing  on  page  1 and  quickly  jumps  into 2 page  and quit  the  browser without  navigating another then this is  defined as Exit .  

How  to  improve score

  • Remove  any  element  in  your sites that slows  down your sites. 

  • If  you use  word  press  remove  Unnecessary Plugin.

  •   Track your  users  through  Heat Map. 


Use  tools  like  – 

  • Hot  jar  

  • Crazy Egg   

  • Microsoft  Clarity 

Low  Quality  Content  ( Focus on  unique Content ) 

Learn  new  terms  from  other webmasters and  Analytics . This  is  a plus  point  for  you. 

When your home page and other important pages have a high Exit rate, this is not good for your business.

Try  To  identify  necessary pages or  make necessary  changes  .

Review  Pages  on Google  Analytics  –

  • Behaviour  – Site  Content  – Exit Pages  

  • Check  your  Mobile  Friendliness  of the  Article  Through  Google Developer Tool and  Google  search Console  . 

Check  Your  Readability of the site  


Why  Visitor Leaves  your site  –  

Targeting  the  wrong  Traffic-    Do  not  use Generic  keyword  in Your  Campaign  article  .

Include a Keyword  In  your article and  write  for the user  .

Keep  Focus  on  Site  structure  –

Poor  site  Navigation  ( To  deal  with  problem big companies create a site  map) 

Your landing  page  does  not  meet searcher  expectations  .  

An  Unappealing  site structure 

How  to deal  with  this  obstacles

  • Make  use  of  Silo  site  structure  instead of  using  Flat Structure  .  

  • Go  through  reputable website  and  see  their  structure  .

  •  Your  content  is  not  relevant  . Content  Square  Data  Reveals  that   69%  of data  is  not  shown  by visitors.

Pogo  Sticking  –  It  happens  when  the  visitor  does  not find  relevent  result in  which  a person  is  looking  for . 

It  clearly  shows  that users  are  not  happy  with  the  query  . 

To Tackle  with  Problem  –  

  • Google  rolls   out  a  new  feature .  

  • When you search  for  a  term  and  suddenly  jump  back  to  Search  result . Search engine shows  PAA ( People  also  Section  )   to  tackle   with  problem  .

Avoid  techniques  that hurt  your seo

  • Don’t  Include  Above  the  Fold  content  

  • Font  Must not   be 18  to  20  px 

  • Do  not stuff Keyword 


Recover  From  Pogo  Sticking  –  

  •   Take Advantages  from  Forum and QA sites 

  • Get  ideas  from  other search  engines as  well  .

  • Know  the  search  Intent  

  • Take Help from  Videos  sites  and Make a Plan  . 

Organic  CTR – Click  Through  rate  means  %  of people clicks  on   Search Result Page .

This  plays a vital  role  in  boosting site  ranking  .  

As  the  Google  says  that  CTR- High  click  =  Ranking 

Increase  your  clicks  by  10 %  . You  could  increase your site  ranking  by 200%.  

Steps to Improve  –  

Use  Of  long  tail  keyword  –

List  of  Method  to  use  long tail Keyword –  

  • Take  ideas  from  google autocomplete  and Realted Keyword  at  the end of the  search  result –  

  •  Add modifier  w5  +How .

  • Identify  content  Gap  

  • Write  Effective  meta  descriptions and  Title  that satisfy  the user Intent  .  

  • Images  have  high  CTR –  So  create an  Image on  Canva  and Piktochart .

  • Post  on  Document  image Submission site and Increase your visibility  in search engine .  

  • Identify  top  Pages  who  have  high CTR and keep updating  on  that article . 

  • Create a  Excel  Sheet  For  low  performing  Click through  rate  pages.  

  • Proper use listicle format –

  • This  type  of  article  actually  made  in  list   format  and add some extra  information  in  that article . 

  • Put  a year  in  your  Title  

  • Take some help  for  Ppc . 

Search  Intent  – It  also  known as Visitor intent   is the  idea  behind your Query  .  

Commonly Queries Include  Informational  ,  Commercial , Navigational  and  Transactional    .    

Note  – The  Main  Goal  of  the search  Engine  to   fulfill  the  user  needs.

If  you  want  to read  more  about  quality  Raters Guidelines 

Backlinks  are  Important  but  user experience  is still  Matter .

Add visual  screenshots  from a  well  known source .

Use  Of  Heart  Framework  –  

H –  Happiness  

E -Engagement  

A -Adoption  

R – Retention  

T – Task  success

User Intent  –   Ask  Questions  Before Writing an Article  –

Why  is  the  person  searching  

  • What type  of Problem they  face . 

  • Are  my answer  satisfy visitor  Intent 

  • A speedy and easy  navigation  satisfy  the  visitor  Intent 

Let’s  talk about Queries

Research  intent –  also known  to do  Query  .  The  user wants  some  information  . In  most cases  google shows  how to  do  queries .  

Zero  click  – It means  you  get answers from  feature snippets .Most  searchers get information with  clicking On SERP.  

Navigational  –  What Brand  they are  looking  for . 

Categories  the  result  on  the  basis  of  intent  




Commercial Intent  –   The user is aware of your brand and finds your brand on Google Review and other review sites .

Transactional  – As  the name suggests, customers are  looking  to Buy  Something  .  

In 2021 Search Engine Optimization Becomes search Experience Optimization .

 For  gaining  the  trust  of the  user

  • Makes your sites impressive and easy to navigate . 

  • Use of https in your sites 

  • Have a review or testimonials on your website and third party platform .

  • Answering  the  user Queries  first  .

A  list  of  suggestions improving  your Experience  –  

  • Limit your  Pop   up  and  not use ads on Above the  fold  content.

  • Create a lengthy  Article  that a visitor spends  on  your  site  .

  • Use  subheading   and  break down  your  topics  in Chunks  . 

  • Using  Backlinko PPT  formula  

  •  Use  of  Image and  video  in  your article if it fits  topic.  

  • Look at GA and  Google search console  


  • Start internally linking your article . This is a chance to increase your average session time .

Further  reading  –

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