Apply These Secret Techniques To Improve Google Algorithm
Have you checked the new Updates regularly or
monthly basis.If yes then,
First, understand the
aspect of Search
engine Optimizer –
The task of this is
optimize a website for Google. This
include various methods such as On-page and off-page Seo
How user Get
their Query –
Users type a
keyword in search
bar and gets results.
include –
Organic – This category is seen just
below the feature snippet .
Paid -Identify
your search through ad sign in Google , Bing.
Types –
· Major Search Engine – Google,
Bing , Yahoo and Baidu
· Minor – Ask , AOI , Duck Duck Go , Naver , Ecosia, Start Page , Qwant
After knowing
all the things
let us Discuss the about how
Search Engine works –
Search Engine Do
Four Things –
Processing/ Indexing
Crawling – It means Discover new Content on your website
. This work is done by the crawler. Also, know as Bot.
Processing / indexing –
After Crawling Your website are stored in search engine Server
Google and other Search Engine Store information
in the form
of Cache and Cookies
Indexing – This
information is stored in the User Data base. This will help the Search engine to index a
Note – This Information is Hidden from the Marketer and user.
Ranking -Ranking
Depends on the certain factor Such as –
Content length
Time Spent on site
Content Length
Major Updates
Done by Google
between ( 2009-2021)
Florida Updates ( Nov 16 2003)
Jogger updates ( 2005)
Vince Updates( jan
18 2009)
Google cafferine (2009) –
Google Panda
Google penguin(2012)
Page Layout(2012)
Pirate (2012)
Knowledge Graph ( 2012)
Penguin (2014)
Mobilegeddon (2015)
Rank Brain(2015)
Possum (2016)
Upadtes(2017) – Focus on Duplicate Business Listing
BERT updates ( oct 13 , 2019 )
Google January Core –
update (jan 2020)
May core
Updates ( May 2020) EAT ( More Focus on EAT )
Dec Core Updates ( DEC 2020)
core web vitals
( lcp , FID , CLS)
1. Florida Updates ( Nov 16 2003)- This
is the First major Update happen in SEO
Penalizes that website –
Which use affiliate links to drive traffic. This updates
mostly retailer.
invisible text
of spammy techniques such Keyword
Multiple sites under same brand name .
2. Jogger updates(2005) –
This Updates deal with –
Building Unnatural
Paid links
3. Caffeine Updates (2009) –
This updates Penalizes those website
less authoritative Website .
tighter Integration with the Social
After this Certain
changes Happen –
Increase Speed
Better Indexing
relevant result
/new content Updated fast .
4. Google Panda– This updates name given by the
google employees Naveen Panda .
De-Rank those website –
· ·
Low quality sites
Low Quality Backlinks and Content
How Do you Identify
low Quality website –
the Formula Todas –
T- Thin
content / Shallow Content – A site that is used to rank
content in multiple locations or cities.
certain things Such as –
Location /Country
Changes every Single Page in the text.
Over optimized Content
of irrelevant keyword
Use of too many keywords in
your topic
to the Spammy website
Duplicate Content – In the laymen terms
it is types of a topic that are present in
more than one place.
Why this problem
Happen from Search Engine Side and site owner
Search Engine side –
Google don’t know Which version of the
website is to index
and which to not .
From the
Site Owners -Can not use data from search engine Console .
Changes certain things to improve visibilty in google –
Keep eyes on –
Valid without warning
Article Spinning – Use of
software to make a content more effective . Copy
a topic from other website or source and change certain words or lines . This is
called as article Spinning.
Slow – If a website speed loading speed is low . that
is not better for your website .
How do you
increase you website Speed –
Remove java Script files
Compress Images
Evalute your website loding Speed
How to Write
lengthy Article –
More unquieness ( Write Lengthly Article)
Remove Scraped Content
More Relevance
Google Penguin(2012)- Rejected
those website that used link farm
and purchase links .
to remove from Google Penguin Penalty –
not use of Black Hat Techniques-
Use of Disavow tools.
§ Do
not Stuff Keyword( Keyword Stuffing )
Content ( Copy a Topic from the other Source and do certain
Changes )
Internally links a Content
to the Irrelevent Content
Techniques that
a Marketer Should Avoid –
Use of Door Way Pages/ Gate Way – This types of
page is designed to Create fake Pages that stuffed with Content and Optimized for two or
more keyword and further link to another landing page .
Buying links – Purchase the link for the
sake of
increase the site Ranking .
Participate in
Link networks-
PBN/ Link Farms – It is a
Group of website that are
hyperlinked to each other . Its
main objective is build Backlinks
and increase in
search ranking . But this is not a good
Keyword Stuffing –It
is a
type of method in which an article /web page
is using s too many unwanted meta tags and keyword is known
as Keyword Stuffing.
Page Layout
– It is also
known as Top Heavy Algorithm.
This algorithm down the ranking of website who uses too
many ads in at the
top .
they are Distracting for Users
and have
too little Content.
This is also for not user user
experience points of
Pirate updates (2012) – This
updates was designed to
down grad those
website that violate Copy right
It affects
those website That violates DMCA (
Digital Millennium Copy Right act )
Graph ( 2012)- In this types of google algorithm gets
information from the
multiple source through Semantic
Search .
Provides information in structural
form. It also provides of list of
Pages that helps the user
to find the
information without navigate
on other website and source.
It gives you
related information .
bird(2013)- This
Updates is all about Semantic Searches ,
focusing on the
context of a search query.
Also the
intent of the
query. Where the meaning of the whole phrase is understand .
This updates credits those website that uses language naturally in
their content .
How this algorithm works –
Focus on Synonyms and
Evalutes the Entire Search engine Phrase.
gives more weightage given to
query such as–
Rewards natural Content
that is Conversational
More emphasis on
long tail words
Matches Synonyms
to search Queries
Some Myth about SEO –
Number of times a keyword appears on a
webpage . You should requires certain
Density for optimal ranking.
Density used by ALT Vista Search
Engine in the late 90s.
need a Good amount of words to
rank a website in a Search Engine.
Penguin(2014)- It was Specially designed to
tackle web Spam in Search results.
It Penalizes
those website that uses Black Hat
Techniques such as
paid links or Keyword Stuffing .
That do not
follow Search Engine Guideliness.
of Black Hat Techniques used
in Penguin Update-
Hidden and Individual Text
Sneaky Redirection
Create a pages
with malicious Behaviour .
Hidden and Individual
Text – Content
is hidden through
various methods Such as –
Text In the White Background
Fix the Size of Font 0
Hidden the text
by linking one Small
Character as a Hypen.
Sneaky Redirection-Let
us understand through Example – IF a person
clicks on link and does not
land to
the desired location what they want
to reach is called as Sneaky redirection .
Cloaking –
In Simple term it is techniques that
gives different result
to the user and search engine.
Recover from Penguin–
not focus on Buying
links .
Avoid techniques that
Manipulates Search engine .
Create Social
Profile on FB , Insta , twitter
that build trust among users.
Create a link
that gives value to the user .
Mobilegeddon (2015)-
It Mainly Deal
with responsive website .
After 2015
google emphasis on Mobile Indexing first
Points to
remember –
It affects only Mobile
Devices .
Applies only to
Individual Pages .
Brain( 2015) – This Algorithm
works on
two factor such as CTR and Average Session time .
those website –
Site that used shallow content .
User Bad Expeience
Possum (2016) – This
is basically related to the
local search results and local Searches
that are mapped to
the users to
gets the most relevant results .
On the other hand
this is related to the
Business listing .
Penalize those website –
Using Different address for your Business .
Business outside the city limits
Fred (
2017 )
– It
targets those website
that do not follow
search engine guidelines.
Affects Ranking of
those website –
have little or no
content .
Website that Participate
in In irrelevant affiliate
Site that focus on
hidden content.
Updates ( 2017)
– This Updates is
related to duplicate
Business Listing .
BERT update (2019) –
Bidirectional Encoder Representation Transformation – This Algorithm related to NLP
( Natural Language Processing . It is
the process of finding
natural language from
the web .
this Update is realted
to long tail
keyword and to
understand better Natural
language query.
Myth about this Algorithm update
that it affects your ranking is
totally wrong .
Suggestations – Write Content for user not for the
search engine .
This algorithm
better understand the intent
behind the user search queries.
Expertise authortivness and trustiness .
Expertise – There are
millon of the website on a web pages in search
engine.Google does not know which person
and website and expertise in specific
field .
How google
know which website / person and expertise
in field –
Search engine
know the seed sites .
sites – If A
site is linking another reputed
sites google consider as
high rated sites .
Make an author
profile on Social media sites
Create a Home
and about us page in the website
or youtube channel
on Creating Backlinks .
Authoritativeness –
Social media make Authoritativeness.
Contribute to Reddit , tumblr , quora .
Create a backlinks through
Profile Creation and forum
sites .
Trust– If you
create create
trust among new user Quality
rater guidelines.
Note – This Quality raters guideline is Updated every year.
YMYL– Your
life your Money which affect your life and money .
Affect those websites that effect on user growth these include –
Indexing (Feb 2021 ) – After BERT Update Google understand
your query through NLP ( Natural
Language processing ).
IN Bidirectional Encoder representation Transformer Google Understand your result
through suffix and prefix
For example –
If you search
for Term Sarkari online form has
two meaning that you want
to fill the govt
jobs form or you are
looking for a search for new govt vacancy.
In this
type of indexing search engine understand your whole
article and rank the full
to rank in Passage
Indexing –
Create a Summary
about the topics .
Choose Questions in
the people also ask Section
of Bullet and
numbered list
idea from Related searches
Use of tools such as Answer the public , Quora , reddit
and tumblr and you tube.
Most important things that
check your mobile friendless.
Gives to the Points Information .
Page experience
Algorithm Update – Google Recognizes this algorithm on three-factor –
FID – First InPut Delay –
It is the time
your website takes to load the first element of the site in which user first touch or click.
Understand through example –
Suppose you visit a website and that site
load . After the website loads you touch a
button in that
site . The delay happen in that site is
called FID .
FID is measure
in Mili sec.
Good -100ms Needs
Improvement –
Poor – 300 ms
Note – This type of data is not seen
in page Speed Insights
.FID Comes under Page Field
Data .
to reduce that times –
Reduce the
java script Execute time
Optimize CSS
Compress the Images and
heavy element in a website .
CLS – Culmative Layout Shifts – You visit
a website first element you
see is Button. If a button is shifited this is
known layout Shift
CLS – 0.01 – Good Needs Improvement – 0.25
Fix the Element that cause
layout Shift –
you website
Chrome Developer tools – Press
F12 from the keyword .
on the performance
Web vital loads –
Layout Shift – Position
tackle with layout
Shift –
– Use Fonts that are similar to System
Don’t use image which is
larger in size .
Use of WEP format.
Fix properties Such as
height and width
Excessive use of ads in home
LCP – Largest Contentful
In Simple It is
the largest Part of Page Content
only which
you have seen in a site
while loading a website
These largest
element can be
Image Slide and other elements.
It is known
as above the fold content
LCP Score is
differ from mobile and
Desktop .
to increase your LCP–
Upgrade Hosting
Minify Java Script and CSS file
Enable Caching
NO slide Show
your image optimized
Well text optimized
better understanding of
the topic how javaScript, Html and
CSS files Executed –
Html files– These files are
executed from upper to downside means one line executed after the other.
CSS Files –
These files are excluded from the
downside to the upper side
Java script– In this first
the code
is download from the server after downloading files
from the server, the files start
First execute first
line than other .
Web vital The score does not use page insights score –
There are
two to data that is
used by google –
Field Data
Lab Data
data – This types of
information is taken from Page Speed Insight by a search engine.
Pages Speed
insights tell you how to correct the data / Mistakes
Field Data – Performance experience of your real
world website from the Past 28
– 30 Days.
idea from Search console
Google analytics –
the Audience Section
Select Mobile – Choose 30 days data
Google core
May core update 2020–
This update on
purely focus on Content Quality –
Write original and well-researched content
headlines title
and descriptions that are Shocking in nature.
Irrelevent Amount
of information .
update is known as Pandemic
Upadte , force update.
Jan Core Update 2021–
Points to remember in this Update
Fresheness of the
People who
are updating the content regulary
but now ranked is
beneficial now.
Credit to well
researched content
Unique Title and Descriptions
link Spam Update Oct-Nov 2021- As the name suggest this update is related to Spamming.
things to remember- Search engine reminds that link your sites carefully
More emphasis on-site tag –
this includes-
Affiliate links – Google takes Interset of Affiliate Program For this rel=” Sponsored “
rel = ” sponsored” Value
Links from guest post rel=”no follow” value
Product Review Algorithm (2021) –
This update is
Basically related to the Product
and service .
From an expert point of
views this is not a negative
to increase you visibility –
Give Expert Opinion whenever
Give weightage to that review which gives
you metrices and data about the
product and services.
Better use of Schema
information pros and cons of the product.
not write a review in
one line
Resources where you
learn about algorithm update –
Search engine Journal
Search engine land
Search engine watch
· Ranking monitorin
Advanced web Rankings
Rank Ranger
Cognitive SEO .
tltl dr Marketing
Channel to learn
about google Algorithm Update –
Learn with google
Google Search Central
Follow Google Search liaison( Get Offical Information about Search
Engine Update ).
@danny Sullivan
Read Google webmaster guidelines
to understand each word meaning
in Search engine.