All you Need to Know About Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing – 

 Email Marketing is a communication medium that acts as a relationship between the user and the channel. It is the effective method through the use of  Attract  Engage and Delight 

For  better understanding you need to know about various email Method.

E-Mail Marketing strategy–  It is a set of procedures that able to identify the Business and Marketing Goals. 

It is a method that is used in the market to sell products and services and nurture relationships in a human helpful way through the use of email marketing. 

 Structure of email– 

 Header- This section contains Information about sender recipients and the subject of the E-mail.

 Body – This section includes information about the main message 

  Call to action – For a marketer, CTA is the main goal. CTA is the main  Element of marketing campaigns.

Eg – Buy Now, Sign up, Read More, etc. 

It used to check the response rate of customers. 

 Footer – Footer is all about legal Information of the sender’s terms and conditions and unsubscribe button. 

E-Mail Marketing Benefits- 


 Accessible – In the mobile era this accessible to every device. Every one use  

Cost-effective – Unlike other Platforms such as FB, Google ads, Bing and other platforms  you have a certain amount for ads. 

 Return of investment is high in email marketing. According to research, For spending  1 dollar you have an ROI of 44 dollars.   

 Measurable – Easily you see your campaign’s performance.

 These include click rate, open rate, response rate, etc. 

 A necessary element in email Marketing – 

Understanding email marketing –  Before sending an email you should know about email Marketing. 

Why I am sending an email

What is the purpose of sending an email 

What are my goals  

Is my quantitative in nature or not.

Create a contact Management Strategy –

For this type of strategy, Segmentation is important. 

 What is Segmentation – In Lay Men’s term, Divide certain things into Parts.

Send the right email to the targeted person,  at the right time. 

In other words, adding the important pillar to your email marketing. 

This segmentation is based upon Demographics, Geographic, Psychographic, and the basis of common characteristics.

Sending the right Email – Before you send an email you should know the two terms – 

Buyer Journey 

Buyer Persona

 Buyer journey –  For a better understanding of Buyer Journey. Let us Discuss the AIDA model- 

A –  Awareness I -Interest   D – Desire and Actions 

Awareness- In the awareness Phase, A customer knows about your products and services and get an idea about them.

 Interest- In the interest Phase, your responsibility to generate interest among Customers about your Brand and services.  

 Desire- For growing a brand personality, You should connect the person with emotion and help them to encourage to busy their product and services.

 Action- Your last step is action /CTA. Call to action is important for any brand. It increases your engagement rate. 

EG- Sign up Form, Use of the newsletter, download a file. 

 Buyer persona – It is the ideal representation of your customer Based on some data such a user behavior, goals demographics, and motivation. 

 Creating a high-performance email – 

Use of Images and effective banner.

Do not send too many emails because this will affect your user experience. 

Make your email is optimized for mobile. 

Make sure you have a segmentation of your user.

Make personalization with your customer using personnel contact.

Create an effective E-mail Design using template –  

Every email Marketing should have a goal.

Keep your subject line short between 15 to 25.


 Testing the performance of your email –

Open rate 

Click-through rate 

Response rate 

  Open rate –  How many people opened your open.


 Click through rate – How many people open your email and perform a certain task. Simply means click on the link that you give in your email.

Eg- landing page, Home PGE page, subscriber button, etc.

It is usually to measure the engagement rate of campaigns and certain tasks.

 Response Rate – These metrics measure that how many people are in touch with your email. 

Open rate and click rate. 

 Types of campaigns used in email marketing –

Drip Campaigns 


Promotional Email 

Abandoned Campaigns 

Re-engagement Campaign 

Before knowing about the Drip campaign. you should know about the email marketing campaigns.

 An email marketing campaign is list of  Business user emails to communicate with your potential buyers. 

Drip  Campaign –  It is a method that is used to send multiple email at specific time and date . 

 For better understanding, you  must  have idea about funnel .

 Funnel – Funnel is a entire customer Journey .  For knowing better funnel lets us discuss think with google define moment of truth-

  There are four moments of truth –

Zero moment of truth(ZMOT )  – when a person or consumer get idea about your product and services. 

In simple word the customer is in awareness stage. 

First moment Of truth- The 1 st moment of truth is the point of sale.

It means your customer is in the consideration phase. 

Second moment of truth –  The 2nd moment of truth when the customer buy your product.  

These  defines the consumer is in action phase. 


Third – when a customer Buy your product and gives a feedback about product .

 Then it is necessary to  take necessary steps to solve the problem of user .

 News letter –  An  news letter is a series of email sent by the companies or individual to the subscribers list.

 How companies get the subscriber list-

The first steps from the customer side .The user give their email address . 

After that companies or individual receive a welcome email . 

Some firm send you send on daily basis and weekely. 

Steps taken to improve your subscriber list – 

Include Content  in newsletter that is helpfull and give value to the user . 

Create a segementation  list   that helps to bulid a relationship with user and companies .  

Add some pictures and videos that is appealing in nature . 

Give some offer  reward and freebies .

Note – Freebies – something that is given free of charge . 

Use a  social ads when user search your brand name or any other related query . 

Most important thing don’t forget to give the call to action button in e mail  Campaign. 

 Promotional e mail –   A marketing email is send to inform email  list of new and current product and services .


 Goals of promotional email – 

To get Inform about  new product and services. 

To increases your brand awareness. 

Promotional email are designed to help a better conversion .

It gives a list of new and current of your product and services . 

 These types of E mail include – 

Limited time offers

Exclusive offer

Welcome offer – When a user subscriber your  email.

Give some e content – Such as  free e book , white paper , guides and infographics . 

 Special deals  include -refer to a friend  , coupons and promotional code, Buy one get a free .

How to make a promotional email more effective – 

Remember your first goal is not a sale. First acquire your customer list .    

And in the intailly  phase send some  free content .

Bulid a  relationship with customer. Create a  trust among consumers. 

Abandoned  cart Campaigns-  An abandoned card email that is sent to the user when  a user send who leaves the website without purchasing the items and save them in shopping card.

 Best example  of email marketing adandoned campaign –

  If you go website like amazon , myntra , flipkart . 

You get an option of add to cart .

Save for later . 

If you don’t purchase certain things for website then after 2- 3 push notification from these website .  Ask  customers  to purchase that item . 

 You can target through email marketing . This  is the best method to remind the consumer about their purchase . 

 Let discuss about more about this .

Purchase Intent –This means that the consumer have a willing to buy their product and service .

Why do people anandoned their  card – 

They forget about the product they choose to shop  and  save it  for later . 


Just browsing the website and see the product  and add to the cart  .

Some price issue and not like return policy . 

 How  to build email marketing campaign that works –

Create a trust that drives sales – Many fraud happen on internet . Most of tell that they lost their money . 

Acc to the zen desk article –    when a consumer buy your product   88% of consumers claim that rating and review influence their buyer decision . 

Include some coupon code  , reward points , Discount.  For making Discount 

Focus on customers privacy.

Create a power full  banner that is engaging in nature . 

Bulid  in  a way that  more user click or open your  banner . More conversion happen through this process.

 Re- engagement  campaign –  it may defined as the email  that is send to  the inactive user who are not engaged with  your product and services . 

 Reengagement campaign are designed to help   to communicate with user . 

This is basically used for increses your sale   lead.

  There are mainly three steps – 

1. Discover 

2. Shop  

3. Buy  

Discover –   First updated your Contact management tool  with  Buyer persona.

 Buyer persona include name  email address ,Phone number  ,  educational group  and income level . 

 Let us understand through  examples-  

 If you visit any website on the internet there is  a  sign  up  form in  that site . 

Shop  – In the second phase customer  have a interest in your product and   services .   

 So this is responsibility   of  marketer to   capture  consumer . 

Buy  – Bulid a trust among customers and asks them to communicate with product .  

 How to Collect  user for re- engagement Campaign – 

Create a survey form . 

Make a list of old and new customer through  email  marketing  that you  want to target .

Keep  in touch with  regular Customers . 

Introduce  a promo  program for user . Ultimately your goals to acquire customers . 

Make use of  drip campaign .

 Types of  e mail  Marketing  –  

 Promotional   E mail  –  These types  of email  basically used for  send for new and upcoming product and services . 

    Some word include in promotional email  that and email looks so effective –

 Sepecial offers,  discount option , Hurry up  , only  one offer .   

 Transctions Email – It is a  type of email that is send between user and  recipents . 

 This email  is send when a user takes certain action on your certain platform   website , and apps .

For example-  If you have a  E commerce website and a user purchase a product from your site. 

 After that your  task is to target that customer through transctions email . 

 This is basically used to choose  for right audience .  

 Tranctions email  have open rates higher than any  other email marketing  techniques .  campaign Monitor 

   CTR is high among  tranctions e mail .

 20 % high conversion rate than any other email  marketing techniques .  

  Example of email Marketing techniques – 






After this let discuss of lead Magnet  –

  Lead Magnets –  Lead Magnets is a  marketing terminology that is used by company or firm in exchange of their personnel  Information  by giving some benefit form her side .

 Mostly there are two  information  ask  by company  –

E Mail  

Name of that person  

In lead magnets  example –  Free e book , white Paper ,  Checklist ,guide and Campaign . 

 That’s why every  one  says that  you  have basic  knowledge of landing  page .  

Steps taken for Making better lead Camaigns –

   Identify your  Audience  On the basis  of Customer Behaviour and Consumer  Persona

Customer Behaviour – How customer changes their search intent and context .  

 This include the search query   and search  language . 

Consumer Persona- This Include their  age , Gender , Income level   and language .  

Set  the goals  you  want  to  achieve  .  

Better Landing Page that increase   your Click through rate . 

Don’t forget to send a welcome e mail  if a user subscribers  your mail  through lead magnets . 

Solve your consumer problem through   email marketing . 

 Use of infographics Photos .

   Write a  better subject  lines that  increase user experience  .  

   As I   already discuss In my topic –

 The two  terms  is  important  –

 Buyer journey 

Buyer Persona  

In all  terms segments   is important .

  How to bulid a segementation  using CATs Model  –

 CATS model  stands  for Right Content   to the Right Audience and right time . 

  User Segements – 

  User   can   be segemented on the basis   of their action done by a  consumer In a email. 

 On the e mail  –   In this of  mail  you track  certain  action  such as clicking on the links , CTR , ignoring that E mail  , delete that email  . 

 Off  the email  –  This includes such  as a user subscriber your email  list.  

Demographics Based Segementaion –  

In the Demograhics you track Such as Age , Sex Location  and language . 

Why sequence of email  Marketing is  Important  – 

Helps to recognize your right audience 

You  regularly update through   email  marketing .

It is easy to  measure and Cost effective .  

It is used for your Brand awareness. 

 Elements  of  effective  e mail marketing –

Each  and every part  of your email  marketing are designed in  a  way that gives you conversion . 

Select the  goal  that  achievable in nature . Focus on short  term  goals  . 

Focus of UI and UX of user Experience .

Solve your customer problem in real time .  

 Focus on W5 model  that helps to bulid effective email Marketing – 

W5  – It stands  for  what  , when  , where and  why .

This method  helps  to  segregate  data in single e  mail  list  . 

Who –   This who defines your target  audience –

 Select the right   email  for Right  person – 

 Think  in mind what  types of information are you  give them 

  Is this information  is relevent and sufficient for  your audience .

Measure your email list performance Through – 

click , CTR  and engagement if your email  list  have low Enagement and click through rate .

 Then I  have a Suggestions for you  –

  Stop sending email that hurts your reputation  .

Updated  your email  list   and   re-  evaluate your contact mangment . 

 Gives value for your email  list  . 

What  –  

Which steps are wanted  from   your Customers . 

Are you Asking for a signup   download and subscribe , attend for Webniar .


Used a SMART  Method –  

 SMART –   

S-  Specific

M-  Measure

A- Attainable

R –  Relevent

T – Timely  

 Specific –  Define your Goals For Brand and revenue . 

 Your Goals must  be concise and clear . 

Measure – It evaulte the KPI of your email  Marketing Campaign  .    

 KPI – key  performance index is a metrices that is used to  evaluate your business goals that is set  by  you. 

Click rate – How many  person  opened your email.

 Number of clicks on the email/  Number of email  sent 

Click to open Rate-  This is the percentage of people who  clicked on a link inside your  email 


 Bounce rate –  It may be defined as the undelivered email .

 There are two types  of email – 

Soft Bounces –  It includes those Email that are not delivered due to   some temporary problems 

 Such as email inbox is full  , An email is large for recipents inbox. 

Hard bounces –  It occurs due to  some Permanent problems  such as  incorrect email  address , Non existent email  address. 

 Single opt in –   It is a method of subscriptions process where a new email  address is  added to   a  contact list without  the consent of user  and not ask  for confirm their  email.


 Double opt In – This type of email where user needs to  confirm their email  address and ask  you verify your mail  by company  .


 Opt in Subscribe –  In this email   where a brand or firm select to add their email  address in his mailing list  . 

 Opt  in unsubscribe –  It  refer to  the method where user are request  to remove your email  list from your contact Management software . 

When –  This relates to your customer journey –





 Understanding when a specific type  of content is required according to  your Business Goals . 

Where-   Where your  Contact are reading these email .

 What type of device are they using –




 Why  –  Why  you send that  email –

 Is your Customer Engage with your email  list  .  

  Is your content gives value to them  .  


 Email Delivery and how it can help in an email marketing campaign  –

Email  Deliverability-   This is a technique that defined how successful your email marketing campaign.  

 Delivery – It refers to the strategy of how well a user did action on your email.

 Such as accept or recive your email. 

    What will happen if I Don’t use email  Deliverability –

Don’t know the Right Audience 

How to create an Email list  

 Don’t  know the terminology used in  email  marketing 

 Create a Funnel for contextual Clarify  –





Importance of Email deliverability-

It helps to generate leads  

Helps to monitor your Past Performance.

Helps to build trust among users.

Guide about new concepts. 

List of tools used in email  Marketing –

ESP  stands for  Email Service  Provider  –is the software that helps the marketer to run their email marketing campaign.  

It helps to arrange your task in a single application. 

List of automation tools –

G Mass

Mail Chimp  

Constant  Contact  


Sendin Blue 


  While choosing an ESP   choose certain  Points –

Sign up forms.

Customer Support.

Their fee structure.

How many emails you send in a day. 

A number of temples give you free.

Set the goals for using ESP. 

Choose Multiple Email service provider ask your friend to choose another one. 

 E-mail marketing mistakes you should avoid – 

Don’t give some much attention to your subject line. 

Not having Call  to action on your website.

Don’t forget to give the author’s name. 

Not looking at the professional design. 

Not worry about SmartPhone  user.  

Focus on user Privacy give an unsubscribe at the end of the email.

Identify the Right  Audience but too late.  

 What is CAN-SPAM Act –  This Acts Stands for Controlling the Assault  of Non – solicited  pornography  act 2003 

 These laws define the rules for commercial email estd certain requirements. This includes –

 Users have the Right to have stop commercial email by giving unsubscribe at the footer.

 This footer includes the Company Name, city-state, and link at the end of the email.

 IS It is valid in  India –

No, this law is not valid in   India.  There is only one law in India that is the IT act 2000. We deal with  Spamming through this legislation. But it’s time to enact a new rule. 

 Why email marketing is still   Important  –

It gives Better ROI ( Return  on Investment )

In social media and Search engines, you will get an algorithm update. If you don’t follow those guidelines then you will be penalized.

You should know about Target Audience. It is easy to use. 

Get In touch with customers. 

 List of free email marketing course – 


SEM rush  



E-Marketing Institute 

Linkedin Learning 



5 thoughts on “All you Need to Know About Email Marketing”

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