10 secret techniques to improve your off page SEO

First, start my topic you need to know about off-page SEO-
Off-page SEO It is
techniques that are used to rank a website through promotion or backlinks.
Search engine submission
Directory submission
Social book marketing
Press release
Local listing
Forum posting
Blog commenting
Ppt, video infographics
Web 2.0 submission
Search engine submission  The benefits of search engine  site
list is that if you submit a site on search engine.
 The various search
engine shows your sites.
No matter it shows your site or blog
but it shows your sites.
There are many websites you see google.
You submit your sites as you wish.
How to submit a website in various search engine
GO on the search engine. Type free search
engine submission site list.
A list of sites is open and then click on it then click submit.
Here I mentioned a site name which is good for search
engine submission-
Free web submission.com
In this website, you get all search engine where you
submit your website/blog.
Directory submission-It is a method of submitting
your website to these directory sites which gives your information and adds
your website in search engine.
It simply means your submitting your website.
It helps in link building. Directory submission is an off-page SEO technique. It improves your website ranking.
Lets us takes the example of your phone contacts-
Your phone has many phone number contacts  and each your contacts have diff Name/
category etc.
On the other hand, if you take the example of health-
In directory submission, you choose the health category
In health sub categories- Teeth, Eyes, ear throat.
Types of directory
Paid- In this type
of directories submission, you have to pay a fee for this submission, your link
to be approved within 24 hours.
Free- In this directory which you have to pay nothing.
it is free. You get natural approval. It takes 2 – 3 months.
Reciprocal– A reciprocal link must be submitted to your website to your known user website.
List of directory submit sites
In this website, you will get directory submission site
How to submit your website web directory
First category – sub-category
If you do not find category acc to your needs.  You can choose other or business category.
Access to digital vidya Directory submission
increase your site ranking by 30 %.
Social book marketing– It improves
your social ranking. It simply means that you share content on social media and promote your website.
List of social bookmarking site list-
Scoop it
Blizz sugar
Social bookmarking is the best way to increase your site ranking. As you know there are millions of users on social media platforms.
Why you need social bookmarking-
For instant traffic
Helps to make backlinks
Create awareness about brands
Fast index by search engine
Helps to find your targeted customer
Helps to your PA and DA of website
More engagement of user customer.
Classified It is
the process of giving information about your business and service through business listing sites
There are two types of classified ads
Business / local listing
In which you give information about your NAP website.
Classified ads– In which
you give ads for a specific period.
List of website where you give ads-
Just dial
Classified ads.com
Reasons why you need classified –
In the market, competition is increasing.
To tackle with this competition you need to promote a channel that is happening in classified submission.
In today’s time, ads play an important
It saves your time and money.
Things remember while submitting your website in
classified sites-
Check the PA and DA of the website.
If a site has PA and DA over 40
then not submit your internet website.
Gives proper name address phone
Always gives different to every
business listing website.
Article submission
In this type article , you have to submit your article through various reputed
List of article  site list-
Ever note
Benefits of article sites
Helps to increase your site ranking PA and DA of the website.
To get backlinks for reputed website.
To find new customer and what
customer wants.
Press releaseIn my
point of view press release is the best way to gets traffic instantly.
Your content is well written and it is good for the user.
List of good press release website-
For tech news-
Blog commenting- Blog
commenting is a silly thing if your blog is not good for user. Means don’t get viewers every day.
Make sure that your blog is optimized for user not for
search engine.
Where you find a blog commenting website-
You can search on search engine – Blog commenting site
Remember things while making blog comment-
Make sure that your comment is of 100
words or more.
Ask questions in which you give
links in internal pages.
Always use simple words / emotional
words to gets attachment through year.
Forum posting- It is an online discussion from which users discuss on particular niche or topic. It
is also known as questions answer sites
Forum posting sites-
E .how.com
You find many forum posting websites on search engines.
PPT, video, infographics, pdf-
In ppt video or infographic you have summit your website through various
Make sure that you don’t copy from another website.
List of free image site where you can create edit
your image and infographics-
Ppt and pdf site list-
Slide share .net
U shared.com
There are many website where you submit your inforaphics and sharing all these content.
Ping submission- you do these type of submission is when your website is not ranked in search engines. It is the best
way to index website/ blog easily.
Use of ping –
For faster indexing
Higher in search engine
Easy to handle problem
Final verdict– These
method is used to rank a website in search engine. Do all 4- 5 submission
every day. It will boost your ranking.
Follow search engine guidelines. Social appearance is
the most important factor in these days.

6 thoughts on “10 secret techniques to improve your off page SEO”

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