Digital marketing facts that will you make think twice in 2021

The average person spends
more time online. Lets us take the example
of  Instagram whose visitor engagement
 is ten times more than Facebook, fifty-four
times than Pinterest or eighty-four times Twitter.59 percent of adults between 18 to
29 are on Instagram.
About half of all searchers are four words or more  You may be surprised about the fact
that google per second search rate is 63000. The search
 engine turns 93 traffic on your website.
The average consumer attention
interval is 8%(acc to time research).86 percent of people search
on google to find the direction.
83% of mobile advertisers think they are
providing you positive feedback from the user only 47% think that it won’t.
Video content is the best tool for drive
your organic traffic.  Video content is
50 times higher than organic search. You must aware about the 70 percentage search are
done from mobile.
·    Nearly
1.7 billion people are on social media platforms. You see in my first point that
Instagram has maximum visitor engagements. About 46 percent of web users prefer social media
while purchasing online products.

The average person spends time on social
media is 2 hour.  The average time on Instagram
it is 28 minute and Facebook it is 20 minutes. Having a video on a thumbnail in your tube have the potential to rank your website.

Mobile marketing is the best marketing to grow your business.
 learn about mobile marketing visits or stats about marketing cleverTap.

90 percent of people search on a search engine
while purchasing a product online.73 percentage of Instagram stories on Instagram are for
 Food is the most preferable category on Pinterest.
74 percent of clients prefer to get professional communication via e-mail. 
As the market increases voice search-demand also increases by 2020  50 percent higher than the current voice search market. 
of five people two people using voice
search. If we see the percentage of adults and teens it will be 55 (teen) and for
adults, it will be 44.
1.57% you tube users watch about 5 billion videos on a single day. Most
you tube user are age 18
to 29. 86 percentage of women search for the search engine to purchase a new digital
marketing works on UX (user experience)
In  digital marketing, you learn about SEO, SEM, PPC email marketing
mobile marketing, viral marketing, and many more.
96% of people talking about a brand of a company sure follow that company.
·    Digital the marketing software market is 32.9 million dollars in 2018 and it is excepted that it
will be increased by 65  million dollars in 2019.
Access to new research the average
person spends 3 hours 23 minutes on mobile phones. Most of the people are 18 to 29

60 percent of  smartphone users between 13-34 using this is a huge figure.

Content with relevant images gets a 94 percentage view.
88% of mobile search for local
business.85% ignores paid search and focuses on organic search.
The click-through rate for ads is
00.6 and it can be increased by 2020.
·    81 percentage internet users said that a blog Is the most important tool to accumulate knowledge.

Today marketing is the best platform to grow your business and brand. As you know Most of the person spend on social media. Social media is the best tool. companies targeted youth between 16 to 24 age.

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