Basic of Content Marketing –
What is content – Content is the Information , the Idea and the Experience you Publish Online .
It is anything that you produce and publish for the purpose of offering it to your audience.
Reason why People love content Marketing. Take a look at Stats.
Format of content is like–
Text , Audio , video and Visual.
Remember -80% of Google’s revenue comes from content and ads .
Content Should be –
Useful, easy to consume
Share able , original
Relevant Compelling .
Educational Entertaining
Conveying your story
Content Marketing – It is a type of marketing focused On creation and distribution of online material that directly or indirectly promotes a brand .
Things you know while creating content –
Determine your target Group-
location , interests , demographics , spending power B2 B and B2 C content .
Online behaviour
Create an avatar of one specific person –
Demographic information ( Age , Gender , location , Family status )
Personnel status (Job , relationship
Personnel problems
Personnel nightmare
How to write like a professional –
Subtopics and categories
Start reading about niche
Research – Make an excel sheet of topics that you want to write .
Choose the youtube channel and website that you think are best . Make a list of brainstorming ideas that come to your mind first .
Choose your topics –
Identify the interest in a particular article .
How may help to you customer
Which medium Chosen by the user? These include social media , Organic and paid media .
Take a look at your competitor article . Identify the pain points in that article .
Always go for credible sources .
Three points are important is article –
case studies
Organize – Another task is to arrange the topic in cluster form .
Use of Toss formula –
T- topic /theme
O- opinion
S – supporting statement and fact
Introduce – This is where you introduce your article –
Body Pargraph 1- Supporting statement of facts . Relevant research or quotes .
Body Pargraph 2 – Same
Wrap up the CTA
Editing – While Edit a content think question from you –
Does an article cover a single topic
Is your writing style clear or easy to understand?
Is anything is missing in your article
Recognize the tone of current trends .
Take a look at font size .
Topic cluster – It is a piece of multiple shared content and each page of the content is grouped together .
Optimize each content for EAT –
Expertise – A person has vast knowledge of a subject .
Authority – content topic , author profile , comprehensive article
Trust– site authority . ux signals , brand reputation / review .
User generated content is the best method to generate traffic.
How to make a list of Content –
Introduction of topics– This contains information about your article , to do elements , add facts and figure.
Create a list –
Make each item in your list and each item
Write a sentences or short paragraph for each item in the list
This include a thoughts , explanations and opinion
Conclusion to call to action
How to write a effective headline –
Address the specific audience
Choose the benefit you want to highlight
Recognize the pain points of the customer
Create Interest among users .
Another method introduced by kiss metrics –
Shine . This Acronyms stands for
S- Specificity
H -Helpness
I – Immediately
N – newsworthy
E- Entertainment value
Betteridge Law of Headlines –
Any heading end with a question mark can be answered as no.
Note – Be careful while asking a question.
Formatting your headline–
Center your headline
Break long titles with punctuation commas and other .
Do use stop words .
Competitor analysis – Following your competitors helps to find which markets they are targeting.
If your competitors are from the same market .
Start segmenting your customers
Value the right keywords –
Choose keyword that will make money
Search related keyword
Forums and communities
E- commerce site review
Vs query
Refine your keyword list –
Based on goals define by you
Keyword competition
Know the intent of the user
Start grouping
Pick topics that already work
Think About their possible questions , problems and dilemmas etc .
Predict in advance what type of information can help in these situations
Public content that is relevant to your target group
Identify the language in which you are more comfortable .
Niche –
How to start journey in content marketing –
You need a plan
Ways to distribute the content
More emphasis on the user what type of information they want
Write some ideas when it comes to your mind .
When you choose external resources make sure that you use credible resources .
Don’t forget to give a link
Should know about How to – feature in instructional text , probably with images and videos.
Benefit of content Marketing–
Improve your organic visibility
Build a community
Lead generations
Get more customers
What type of content google want -High level content , engaging
The key to content marketing success is being consistent over the long – term .-Neil patel
Branding – It represents the Process of Creating a unique name and image of the product . It tells the story of your brand and creates a high level of content .
Data from previous Campaign .
Current trends
Types of content
Written content –
Written in Online text form
Write for the people –
Your goals should primarily focus on who is going to read the content .
Make sure your content is relevant , Consistent and readable .
Avoid techniques such as –
Repeated Statement
Use of formatted text
Write for search engine
Stay focused –
Word count is a myth
Keep in mind the information you shared is well written and shows the actual meaning of your topic .
How a website content Looks like –
Home page , contact page pricing .
E book –
It has a topic related to your visitors . It is supposed to increase engagement and visits .
Higher rate of engagement –
Images – Did you know how much Impact a better Image has on your Life .
Things you need a mind –
You have the permission to use the image
Link to the external images if necessary
The image is related to the content of the page
Appreciate images
Graphics – It may be defined as the images design feature pictorial representation of information in the form of charts and symbols.
The goal you want to achieve
Provide information you want to include
The way you will present the concept
Adding a text , photo and illustrations.
Infographics – Visual representations of data .
Choose colour fonts and illustrations that are clear and easy to use .
Add a title at the topic of the infographics .
Data is divided in segments .
If you use data provided by an external source , add the list of resources used at the bottom of the resources .
Logo of the company
Podcast -It is a form of broadcast which is published online .
A narrative about a certain topic
Questions and answer section
Review of a product
An interview
A course of a lesson
News post -current news , trends and updates and events .
How to post -Provides information about something , How to use a product , Find certain information .
Interview , case studies
Guest –
Content creation demands time
Planning is a way to ensure high performing content
Content needs to be up date
Content creation –
It is a process that starts with an idea and ends with a published piece of content , regardless if that is written visual audio and video content .
Benefits –
Increase sales
Generate more leads
Get more social media accounts
Improve reputation
Work on branding
Get more visit
Choose a topic –
Use RUN techniques –
Relevance – The topic should be relevant to your blog and website .
The main goals is to attract people
No matter whether it is a new subscriber , visitor and social media follower .
Choose your target group , kind of topics relevant to them .
Uniqueness –
Necessity -Write in a way that your audience wants .helpful content that provides a solution and answer .
The process include –
Writing process
Ghost writer
Content optimization –
Keyword destiny – Number Of times a keyword appears in a page.
Headings – Mostly There are h1 to H6 heading tag .
Alt text – It is type of text is the text that is displayed when the image can not loaded and shown to the reader .
Video transcript -It often sharing video on platform.
Over optimization –
Anchor text matches the text url
Attracting with non relevant keywords
All links pointing to top level domain
Links comes from blog comments and forums
Using several h1 tag in Page
Placing revlevent links and too many links in footer .
High keyword Density percentage
Content Management –
Three pillars include –
Content Distribution –
It Represents the delivery of content to the user .
Channel –
Email –
Mailing list only people who really want a message from you .
It increases your CTR and decreases the bounce Rate .
Communicate with your subscriber –
Best personalized approach
Social media Distributions –
End with CTA – click sign up downloading , something , sharing and following .
Choose timing about to network .
Social media website –
Pearl trees
Stumble upon
Scoop it
Online forums and qNA sites –
Growth Hackers
Content Distribution strategies –
Content syndication -It is the process of publishing Content to the third party website and then republishing the same content of your blog and site .
Any digital Content , a blog article and video presentation .
Authority website –
Avoid duplication –
Rel= canonical
NO index tag
Guest Blogging -It is a process of creating content to be published on another website .
Finding a guest opportunity –
“ Submit a post”
“Guest Post Guideliness”
Remember –
Get to know a little about website
Get to know about website owner
Take a look a the content they would interested in
Who you are
What kind of content you specialize in
Create a quest blog post –
Track your results –
Keep your content fresh , active
Gain reputation and visibility
Increase traffic
Repurposing content –
Blog post – Guide ,presentation
Guide – E book ,course
Interview – blog post
Internal data – case study , infographic
Visual content – presentation
Video- blog post
Medium and Linkedin pulse
Make a adjustment of content –
Keep in mind of audience
Adjust the title
To avoid duplication change the title of topics
Optimize the article to get most clicks and leads
Publish only a part of article
Ask the user to visit your website
Include links
Avoid duplication through this process –
Don’t republish the entire article
Don’t republish every article – When you decide to publish a piece of content make sure this article is extraordinary and has the potential to go viral.
Wait for 2 to 3 weeks –
Once you publish a content on your site , Waiting for two weeks to index a search engine .
Use rel= Canonical
Create a checklist for Publishing a content –
If your headline is effective –
Create a list of multiple Ideas , choose a tool.
Is my content is easy to read and understand –
Why am I writing this?
Whats my main point
Is my Call to action is clear and concise and free from any error –
Whats my goals
Did you check punctuation, comma, Spelling , site Structure and content Flow efficiently?
Also regularly checking your site speed and internal linking .
Optimize your existing content –
People generating content on a regular basis get more traffic than others.
Keep your content fresh , updated .
If your content is non – relevant –
Either delete them or use 301 redirection .
Fix SEO errors like dead links, duplicate content , server error (404) etc.
Update your pages with following techniques –
Merge your duplicate pages
Keep updates your article
Improve your topical authority in your niche .
Page experience – Algorithm authority
This works or ux factor –
Know the Thumb rule – People matter more than search engines .
Use the heating map tool –
Microsoft clarity
Optimize for user –
Website loading Speed .
Think at your site design .
Analyze and improve your design
Modify your old content with new keywords .
Look at your top performing page –
Go to google analytics
Click on behaviour section
See things like site content , speed, events and publisher .
Before Promoting your website you have a valid site structure –
Create a hierarchy of pages and also create sub categories in your site .
Proper use of Navigational Pages .
Content Promotion Guides –
Create a Plan for one day and Week .
If you are active on social Media – Post a topic 4 times in a day .
Take advantage of Comment sections . Don’t forget to link your article .
Share your topics on linkedin and fb Group.
Try to find an influencer in your industry and follow on Social media .
Create a list of 50 people in your niche . start Pitching through E-mail Marketing .
Leave a Comment On another blog .
Note – Add some Valid points in your Article . Select the one particular Question you want to answer .
Crunch Base
Growth Hacking –
In layman term It is a combination of Marketing , Technology and little bit of technology .
I have a question for you .
Did you know about 4P in digital Marketing .
Technology – This includes various types of methods to make your content Better.
Psychology –
Social Proof – Various types of logos , Testimonial and review Or logos .
Time – Limited Time offers ….
Know the customer Pain and touch points .
Create a Funnel In Growth Marketing –
Is your Customer reaching the desired goal which is set by you .
Have you gained your website visitor?
Some Growth Hack for your Content Marketing –
Social Media
E Book
Metrics to monitor Content Marketing success –
Visit – Number of visits you want to optimize .
Publishing is not an end task of the content marketer but promoting a task.
Unique visit – The number indicates the number of visitors who visited your website for the first time.
Page visit -The total number of pages that user have clicked on during a specific period of time .
Bounce rate – A certain number of people visit your website and then leave immediately Without clicking on any other page .
Conversions – it is the desired action you want to complete from the user .
Link to home page , another page
landing page
The formula for conversions –
Number of people who completed the desired action = Number of visit *100
Defines Goals
Advance segment –
Demographics-( Age, Gender , Language , Affinity audiences , In market segments , Other category )
Technology ( Operating system , System version , Browser , Browser version, Device category )
Behaviour – ( Session ,Transactions , Session , days since last session
Traffic source – ( Campaign , medium , Source , keyword Filtering by session and filtering by user )
Advanced Segments– ( Condition and sequences)
Use of shorten links tools-
Campaign url Builder
Content Marketing strategy –
Determine goals –
What do you want to achieve
How can content help you with a goal?
What kind of content would be the best to achieve the goal?
Content tactics
Attention Grabbers -Are the statements , Quotes or statics that are used to attract the user .
Use these tactics at the beginning of the text .
Storytelling – It is the process of sharing stories , Embellings stories using them for the purpose of entertainment education and the business.
CTA – Download now
Register now
Get a coupon
Attend a webinar
Contact us
Try it now
Lead Generations – it is the process of gaining email addresses from potential Customers . who are referred to as leads .
You can do things by offering something free .
Lead Nurturing – Once you generate a lead , this means that you have gained new contacts , But does not mean that you are able to convert the visitors .
To able to achieve this goals – Keep your customer engaging , loyal to your brand ,
Plan content Distributions – This is done through organic search you have be patient ,
Challenges in content marketing strategy –
Influencer Marketing – It is type of marketing focused on working on individual who have a certain influence in particular sector
Characteristics –
Being an expert in industry
Knowing the market and current trends
Having a group of followers
Earning a trust
Content creation tools and apps –
Headline Analyzer
Title capitalization
Ever note – It is an organisation tool that helps you keep track of all your writing projects , notes and files .
Write well – It has a set of writing templates which you can customize on the basis of your business.
Designing –
Infographic- This tool able to make Infographics Report in Minute .
Haiku deck – If you want to make a struggle in Presentation then this app is made for you .
Placeit -Create from video logos and flyers from this app.
Photo Sharing Platform –
Getty Images
Audio jungle
Content optimization tools and apps –
small pdf
Content Distribution tools and apps –
Tweet deck
Social Pilot
Influencer –
Follower Wonk
Keyhole-This is a hashtag tools that helps you find relevant content and influencers .
For content Marketing ideas–
Organization tools –
Ever note
Google calendar
Tools for content generation–
Meme Generator
Visual .y
Keyword Planner
Google Trends
Hreflang Tag generator tools
Content generation–
Portent title maker
Capitalize title tool
SEo tools –
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