SEO -It is a method that is designed to rank a website in a search engine.
Have you checked your complete beginner guide to SEO.
Keywords are the foundation of Marketing ..
Types of Search Engine Optimization –
On page
Off Page Seo
On-page Seo – It tells us what steps you have to change in your website for better ranking .
Off page seo – It is a type of step that increases your online visibility through promoting your brand on social Media and blogging platform .
Title -It defines how effective is your page .Better means good CTR that is a ranking factor according to the rank brain algorithm.
Thumb rule while writing Title –
Keep its under 30 to 60 Characters( 285 pixels to 575)
Use of Semantic keywords and pipe line at the end of title.
Easy to read and relate to your main keyword .
Always used separators or dashes .
More Focus on your Targeted keyword
Note – Instead of using character more emphasis on Pixels according To google . For other search engine Bing Yahoo , Duck Duck targets on character.
Why title is Important –
User experience point of view –
For Improving CTR– Click through is the second most essential element for increasing your online visibility . First one is Impressions .
From Browser Side –
If a user clicks on the title . First thing he / she sees in the search bar is the title element.
Tools to Check the Title Pixel –
Meta Descriptions –
It defines your whole content in one or two lines .
Maximum -155 Character ( 920 pixels)
minimum Length -70 Character (430 Pixels )
Follow some tips and ticks when you write Descriptions-
Provide necessary information in your content that you want to give –
These Knowledge include –
Use of brand name at the beginning or at the end .
Avoid certain things like–
Duplicate Content
Use of one keyword many times ( That is not a good sign ) From search engine perspectives.
Note – The length of Descriptions Various Search engines . For bing , yahoo and Duck Duck Go – 155, 150 and 155
Remember -Your First line is always Impressive that catches the attention of the user .
Need of Meta Descriptions –
First things a user sees when they search for something is Title and descriptions .
If you don’t write good descriptions this will decrease your CTR. Thats not a good sign for seo .
Can I use Fency Character –
Avoid use of character like – *( Star), $( Dollar) .
You can add symbols like -(Dash) Pipe (!) Commas(,).But now so much .
Create a Better Url Structure –
For This create a Kiss Principle on your Uniform Resource Locator . The full Form of Kiss is – Keep It Simple and stupid
Your Url includes the main keyword .
Don’t Forget certain things in uniform resource Locator –
Use of (-) and (/)
According to Moz – Element that increase you Spam score –
Use of number
Your website don’t use FB pixel and Google Tag manager
Lengthy Meta Descriptions and Title
If your site or blog have a less article .
Your domain ending with xyz
Phone number , Email address not present in your site .
Things for making Seo Friendly Url –
Remember Uniform Resource locator are case sensitive .
Do not Stuff Keyword
Avoid Stop Words
( These include a , an ,the , in and or but why etc.
Example of Good and Bad Url – (NOt Good ) Good)
Let us understand url structure –
First Element is http- Which is called Protocol
Query string – A user in looking for .
Heading – It is the Sequence Form of your Content . This is Helpful for Both Search Engine or User . This defines the structure of your article .
There are 6 Heading tags H1 to H6 .
<Title>Heading tag H1 to H6</Title>
<Header >
<h1> Main Element of Your Article </H1>
<h2> Brief Introduction about the Content</h2>
</header >
</Body >
The Hierarchy of H1 – Large in Size
H2-h6- Smaller as the tag level Increases.
Note – IN html 5 You use too many H1 tags . But it is advised by experts not to use too many H1 tags . If your website/ Blog has 2 or more tag.This will confuse the search engine that is not good for seo.
Are seo meta tags important-
Meta tags are the element that define your content .
Meta Tag is essential for both browser and Search engine .
With the help of this type of data Browser shows the Article Correctly. Google Bing , yahoo how should they behave
Types of meta Tag –
Robust Ttxt
Refresh Tag
Open Graph tag
Meta Title and Descriptions are already discuss by me . so i can jump in Robots txt .
This tag which page or Content You want to Index . using a code
<meta name =”robots” content =”noindex,follow”>
Other examples-
No archive
No translate
No Snippet
Meta Refresh -By using this tag you give the instructions to the browser to automatically load my page / website after a time that is set by you .
Open Graph tag – Mainly used for social media Platform
Place your this of data after <Head> Opening and Before </head> Closing section
Does SEO require coding?-
If you have more Knowledge about that is beneficial to you . In many Opinion You require Basic understanding of Html CSS and Java Script .
Follow Some website –
Check Responsive Web Tools using Google Dev tools –
Ctrl+Shift +I / F12
Right Click on Page and Inspect
Check your Website is Responsive-
One side you see your blog website or another you see coding.
Choose responsive options from your website –
After this you watch options of mobile devices . At the end you view Edit .
How to Identity which device used by my User –
Go to Google Analytics .
First you need a Create a Account.
Click on the Audience Section – Choose Mobile- In this you get a list of gadgets used by your customer .
This is the important element to Identify the Customer Pain Points .
List of seo Extension that make your Task Easy –
Moz , Ahref – For checking PA , DA and Domain Rating DR
Check my links – For identify the dead and broken links on your site
Web of trust – It gives you Score on the Basis on two factors . These Contain –
LRT – link Research tools – As the name suggests , It identifies your incoming and outgoing links .
SEO Meta In 1 Click – Mostly used for Meta tag .Another feature Include –
In tools options you get a checklist of many sites .– Check your blog’s strength and weakness.
Wappalyzer– Find out which technology by company and firm .
Checkbot – For analyzing the SEO , Website Speed and security.
SEO review tools – You get many options who are needed to measure the success rate and difficulties of your Search Engine Optimization .
Do check this . You really love it
Similar web and Seo Quake – For Checking real time Traffic search volume Types of internal and external links on that website .
Detailed .com – Get full insights on topics like total links Inbound and outbound .
Images without Alt tag and title .
You can export files in excel sheets.
Keyword Surfer – If you’re not familiar with tools like keyword .io , Hoth Research tool .
Basic Insights About this –
Get ideas about query . An estimated search Volume for a particular Country.
It measure on Three Factor
How much traffic you get .
Count Word
Which Keywords you are looking for .
Note – The data is calculated on user search for 1 year .The data is taken from Google trends .
Keyword Everywhere– Get thousands of long tail words ,People also search results and related keywords .
View top pages organic traffic ,total url on that tool .
SEO Minion – It reduces the burden of your work and helps to achieve your Objectives ,
Features –
After installing you get a general idea about the keyword . Which off page activities are mostly done by other Competitors .
How to Download Content Ideas From this Extension –
if you search for a keyword in a search engine , you will get a list of results.
At the right side you get an overview , Select an option PAA choose Options PAA 10 or 20 Clicks .
Then go.
Your File and install . You can save that file where you want .
Word tune- This Extension is designed to check your work and help to build creative Style .
How to use –
Ctrl +D command is used to rewrite your article .
Ctrl +E – Suggestions
Best website to learn seo –
Learn Search Engine Optimization at Home for free –
Start with channel likes Google Garage amittiwari ,wscubetech
Understanding How to DO Keyword Research .
Learning new terms from seo tools .
Use of extension to decrease your workload and increase productivity .
Start teaching and sharing Knowledge.
Start blogging and write article in a week
Regularly update with Algorithm .
Free Course where you get Seo Certificate –
Godaddyacademy– This Course is best for Search Engine Optimization or UX and UX .
Polish your skills with these programs .
How quick can I learn SEO–
This takes time as the algorithm updates happen . You have to change the strategy every time .
Follow some channel or website to master in that field .
As you gain experience the task is easy for you .
What skills are needed for SEO in 2021 –
Short your Topic through Keyword Research
Require on Page and off Page Techniques
Writing Ability – Able to write articles and organize your Topic. Learn these skills for a certified Blogger .
Analytical skills –
Identity your right audience
What channel they are Coming from.
Is there behaviour changes or not
Do they meet the desired goals?
Knowledge of basic tools like Google Tag Mannger , Data Studio .
Problem Solving – In this type of Do you have a ability to figure out loop hool in Html , CSS and Java Script .
Excel Skills – Arrange data in your Google Sheet and Microsoft .Filter the accurate data .
Do check to Improve these Skills –
Overall aspect of seo you need a Research Technique.
Handle your social Media Account .
Acquire links through Reputed Sites .Find guest Post Sites through Google Operator .
Keyword + Write to us
Basic knowledge of Domain and Hosting and how to set up .
How to measure the success of SEO–
Calculator your Search Engine Optimization Progress Through Metrics
Are you Increase your Traffic
Improve your Site Profiling ( Backlinking ) .
Do you Improve your Keyword Research skills .
Monitor your CTR , Impressions and Bounce Rate .
Identify your Pages through scroll depth
How many sites you are linking for .
Time Spent on site – Google analytics through two factor –
Track the performance of New and Returning Users .
Check the Exit and Bounce Rate
Understand the User Behaviour , Interest , Demographics , , Mobile Phone
Technology used by your Customers
Identify the All channel source . This Include Four types –
Organic Search
Recognize your target audience and set your goals .
Keep your eyes on your competitor and think in advance .
IS seo is good career option 2021–
Yes , With the increase in demand of Digital Marketing .The Search engine optimizer demand is growing day by day .
It acts a relationship with other online Marketing channel .
Lets talks of salary of Search engine optimizer –
As you know most of the traffic comes from youtube and google .
You can Work like a freelancer .
SEO Executive – Responsible for on page and off page activities .
Can earn 8 k to 15 k based on their Talent .
Link Builder -Able to create a backlink from reputed website .
The income varies from 15 k to 20k.
SEO analyst – Create a strategy for on page and off page .
Earn upto 25k to 35 k.
SEO expert – It handles all types of strategies or plan done by a user .
Content writer – Write Quality blogs through guest posts and blog promotion.
Remember – Earn as per your skills. You do not need a degree.