The Complete Beginner’s Guide to SEo in 2021

SEO -It  is a method that is designed  to  rank  a website  in a search engine.

Have you checked your complete beginner guide to SEO.

Keywords are  the  foundation  of Marketing ..

Types of Search  Engine Optimization –

On page 

Off Page Seo 

On-page Seo – It tells us what steps you  have to change   in  your  website  for  better ranking .

Off  page seo  – It  is a type of step  that  increases your  online  visibility  through  promoting  your brand on  social  Media and blogging platform .


Title -It defines how  effective  is your page .Better means good CTR that is a ranking factor according to the rank  brain  algorithm. 

Thumb  rule while writing Title

  • Keep  its   under 30 to  60  Characters( 285 pixels  to  575)

  • Use  of Semantic keywords  and  pipe line at  the end  of title.

  • Easy to  read and relate to  your main  keyword   .

  • Always  used separators  or dashes .

  • More  Focus  on  your  Targeted  keyword

Note – Instead  of using  character  more emphasis  on  Pixels  according To  google . For  other search engine  Bing Yahoo , Duck  Duck  targets  on  character.

Why  title is Important

User  experience point  of view –

For Improving CTR– Click  through  is  the second  most  essential element for  increasing  your  online visibility  . First  one  is Impressions .

From  Browser  Side –

If a user  clicks  on the title . First  thing  he / she  sees in the search  bar  is the title element. 

Tools  to  Check  the Title Pixel

Meta Descriptions  –

It  defines  your whole  content  in  one or  two  lines . 

Maximum -155 Character ( 920  pixels)

  minimum  Length -70  Character (430 Pixels )

Follow  some  tips and ticks when you write  Descriptions-

  • Provide necessary  information in your content that you want to give –

  •  These Knowledge include –

  • Use  of  brand  name at  the  beginning or  at  the end .

Avoid  certain things  like

 Duplicate Content

Use  of one keyword many times ( That is not  a good sign ) From search engine  perspectives.

Note  – The length  of Descriptions Various Search engines . For bing ,  yahoo  and  Duck  Duck  Go – 155, 150  and  155


Remember  -Your First  line  is always   Impressive that catches the attention  of  the   user .

Need  of  Meta Descriptions

First  things a user sees when  they  search for  something is  Title and descriptions .

If you don’t write  good descriptions  this will  decrease  your  CTR. Thats  not  a good sign  for seo  .


Can  I use Fency Character  –

Avoid    use  of  character  like  – *( Star), $( Dollar) .

You  can  add  symbols  like  -(Dash) Pipe (!) Commas(,).But  now so  much .

Create  a Better Url Structure  –

For  This create  a  Kiss Principle on  your  Uniform Resource Locator . The  full  Form of Kiss  is  – Keep It Simple and  stupid 


Your Url  includes the main  keyword .

Don’t  Forget  certain  things  in  uniform resource Locator  –

 Use  of (-)  and (/) 

According  to  Moz – Element  that  increase  you  Spam  score

  • Use  of  number

  • Your website don’t use FB pixel  and  Google  Tag manager 

  • Lengthy Meta Descriptions  and  Title 

  • If  your  site  or  blog  have a  less  article .

  • Your domain ending  with  xyz 

  • Phone  number  , Email  address  not  present  in  your site  .

 Things  for  making  Seo  Friendly Url  –

  • Remember Uniform Resource locator  are  case sensitive .

  •   Do  not  Stuff  Keyword  

  • Avoid  Stop Words 

  • ( These  include  a , an  ,the  , in  and  or  but why  etc.

Example of Good and Bad Url – (NOt Good ) Good) 

Let  us understand  url structure

 First  Element  is  http-  Which  is called Protocol




Query  string  – A user in  looking  for . 

Heading  – It  is the Sequence Form of  your  Content . This  is  Helpful  for  Both Search  Engine  or  User .  This defines  the  structure  of your article  . 

There are  6  Heading  tags H1 to  H6 .



<Title>Heading tag  H1 to  H6</Title>




<Header >

<h1> Main Element  of  Your Article </H1>

<h2> Brief Introduction  about  the  Content</h2>

</header >


</Body > 


 The Hierarchy  of  H1 – Large in Size 

H2-h6- Smaller as  the tag  level  Increases.

Note – IN html 5 You use  too  many H1 tags  . But  it is advised by  experts  not  to use  too  many  H1 tags . If  your  website/ Blog  has 2 or more tag.This will confuse the search engine that is not  good for seo.

Are seo meta tags important-

Meta  tags  are the  element  that define your content  . 

Meta Tag  is   essential  for  both  browser and  Search  engine .

With  the  help of  this  type of data Browser shows  the Article Correctly.  Google Bing , yahoo  how  should  they  behave

Types  of meta Tag

  • Title  

  • Descriptions  

  • Robust  Ttxt 

  • Refresh Tag  

  • Open Graph tag  

Meta Title and Descriptions are already  discuss  by me . so  i  can jump  in Robots  txt .

This  tag  which page or Content You want to Index .  using  a code 

<meta name =”robots” content =”noindex,follow”>

Other  examples-

No  archive 

No translate 

No Snippet 

Meta  Refresh  -By using  this  tag  you  give  the  instructions  to the browser to  automatically load  my  page / website after a time  that  is  set  by   you  .

Open  Graph  tag  – Mainly used  for social media Platform  

Place  your  this  of data  after <Head> Opening  and Before </head>  Closing section  

Does SEO require coding?-

If you  have more Knowledge about  that  is  beneficial to  you . In  many  Opinion You  require Basic understanding  of Html  CSS and  Java Script .

Follow Some website  –



Check  Responsive Web  Tools  using  Google Dev tools

  • Ctrl+Shift +I / F12

  • Right  Click  on  Page  and Inspect 

  •  Check  your Website  is Responsive- 

  • One  side  you  see your  blog  website or another  you  see coding.

  • Choose responsive  options from  your website –

  • After this  you  watch  options  of mobile  devices . At  the  end  you view  Edit . 

How  to  Identity  which  device used  by  my  User


Go  to  Google Analytics .

First you  need a  Create a Account.

Click  on the Audience Section – Choose Mobile- In  this  you  get a list of gadgets used  by  your customer .  

This  is  the  important  element to Identify  the Customer Pain  Points  .

List of seo  Extension  that make  your Task Easy


  Moz , Ahref   – For checking PA , DA  and Domain  Rating  DR 

Check  my  links  – For identify  the dead and  broken  links  on your site 


Web  of trust  – It  gives  you Score  on the Basis on  two factors . These Contain –


  • Rating 

  • Review 

LRT – link Research tools –  As  the  name suggests ,  It  identifies  your  incoming and  outgoing  links  . 


SEO Meta  In  1 Click –  Mostly  used for  Meta  tag .Another  feature Include –

In tools  options  you  get  a checklist  of   many   sites  .

IsMyBlogWorking.comCheck your blog’s strength and weakness.

Wappalyzer– Find out which technology by company and firm .

Checkbot – For analyzing  the SEO , Website  Speed and  security.

 SEO review  tools  – You  get  many options who  are  needed  to measure  the  success  rate and difficulties  of  your Search Engine Optimization .

Do check  this . You  really  love  it 

Similar web  and Seo Quake  – For Checking  real  time Traffic  search  volume    Types of internal  and external  links on  that  website .

Detailed .com – Get  full  insights on  topics  like total  links  Inbound  and  outbound . 

Images  without Alt  tag  and  title .

You can  export    files  in  excel  sheets.

Keyword Surfer – If you’re not  familiar with  tools  like keyword .io  , Hoth  Research    tool .

Basic  Insights About  this

 Get ideas  about query   . An  estimated  search  Volume  for a particular Country. 

It  measure  on  Three  Factor

  • How  much  traffic you  get .

  • Count Word

  • Which  Keywords  you are looking  for .

Note –   The data  is calculated  on  user search for 1 year .The  data is  taken  from  Google trends .

Keyword Everywhere–  Get thousands  of  long  tail  words   ,People also  search  results   and  related  keywords  .


View  top  pages  organic traffic ,total  url  on  that  tool  .


SEO Minion – It  reduces  the  burden  of your work  and helps  to  achieve your Objectives ,


After  installing  you  get a general  idea  about  the  keyword . Which off page activities are mostly  done  by  other Competitors .

How  to  Download  Content Ideas  From this  Extension

  • if you  search  for  a  keyword  in a search engine , you  will get  a list  of  results.

  • At  the right side  you  get  an overview , Select  an option PAA  choose Options  PAA 10  or 20  Clicks  . 

  • Then  go.

  • Your  File  and   install  . You  can save that  file  where  you  want .

Word  tune-  This Extension  is  designed to  check  your  work   and  help  to  build  creative  Style  .

How to  use  – 

  • Ctrl +D command  is  used  to  rewrite  your article .

  • Ctrl +E – Suggestions  

Best  website  to learn seo

Learn Search Engine Optimization at  Home  for free  –


  • Understanding  How to  DO  Keyword  Research .

  • Learning new terms  from seo  tools  .

  • Use of extension  to  decrease  your workload and increase productivity .

  • Start  teaching  and sharing  Knowledge.

  • Start  blogging  and write article  in  a  week 

Free  Course  where  you  get  Seo  Certificate 

  • Godaddyacademy– This  Course  is  best for Search  Engine Optimization  or  UX and UX .

  • greatlearning

  •  Polish  your skills  with  these  programs  . 


How quick can I learn SEO

  • This  takes  time as  the algorithm  updates  happen . You  have  to  change  the  strategy  every time . 

  • Follow some  channel  or  website  to  master in  that  field .

  • As you  gain experience the task  is easy  for  you .

What skills are needed for SEO in 2021

Short your  Topic through  Keyword Research  

Require  on Page and  off  Page  Techniques 

Writing Ability   – Able  to write   articles and  organize  your  Topic.  Learn  these skills  for a certified Blogger . 

Analytical  skills

  •  Identity  your  right  audience

  • What  channel they  are  Coming  from.

  • Is  there  behaviour  changes   or  not 

  • Do  they  meet  the desired  goals?

Knowledge  of basic tools  like  Google Tag Mannger , Data Studio .

Problem  Solving – In this  type  of  Do  you  have a  ability  to  figure  out  loop  hool  in Html , CSS  and Java  Script .

Excel  Skills –  Arrange data  in  your Google  Sheet and  Microsoft  .Filter the  accurate data . 

Do  check to Improve  these Skills  –


Overall  aspect  of  seo  you  need a  Research  Technique.

  • Handle  your social  Media  Account .

  • Acquire  links  through  Reputed Sites .Find  guest  Post Sites  through Google Operator  .

  • Keyword + Write to us 

  • Basic knowledge  of  Domain  and  Hosting and  how  to  set  up .

How  to  measure  the  success of  SEO

  • Calculator  your Search Engine Optimization Progress Through Metrics

  • Are  you  Increase  your Traffic 

  • Improve  your Site  Profiling  ( Backlinking )  .

  • Do  you  Improve  your Keyword Research skills .

  • Monitor  your CTR ,  Impressions  and Bounce Rate .

  • Identify  your Pages  through  scroll  depth 

  •  How many  sites  you are  linking  for  . 

Time Spent  on  site     –  Google  analytics  through  two  factor  –

  1. User  

  2.  Sessions 

Track  the  performance  of  New  and Returning  Users .

Check the Exit and Bounce Rate 

Understand  the User Behaviour , Interest  , Demographics , , Mobile  Phone  

Technology used  by  your  Customers   

Identify  the  All  channel  source . This  Include Four  types

  • Referral 

  • Social  

  • Direct 

  • Organic Search  

Recognize your  target  audience and  set  your  goals . 

Keep your eyes  on  your competitor  and  think in  advance .

IS seo  is  good  career  option  2021– 

Yes , With  the  increase  in  demand of Digital  Marketing .The Search  engine optimizer demand  is  growing day by  day  . 

It acts  a relationship  with  other   online  Marketing channel  .

Lets talks  of salary    of Search engine  optimizer

As you  know  most  of the traffic comes  from youtube and google . 

You  can  Work  like  a freelancer .

SEO Executive  – Responsible  for  on  page and off page activities  . 

Can  earn  8 k  to 15  k  based  on  their  Talent   . 

Link  Builder -Able  to  create a backlink from  reputed website .

The  income  varies  from  15  k  to  20k.


SEO analyst – Create  a strategy  for  on page and  off  page . 

Earn  upto 25k  to  35  k.

SEO expert  – It  handles all  types  of  strategies  or  plan  done  by a  user  .

Content  writer – Write Quality  blogs  through  guest  posts  and  blog  promotion.

Remember  – Earn  as per  your skills. You  do  not  need a degree.

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